Monday 4 February 2013

About me and my hubby

As it's nearing Valentines Day
I thought I would make a few changes
& share a few things with you :-)

First of all as you may have noticed
I have changed my blog templates.
I hope you like the changes.

The Story of me & my hubby Mr D

We met through my fiance.
I was 17yrs old and was in love.
My stomach fluttered when I met D
but I ignored it as I was already in a serious relationship.
It was also complicated by the fact that my fiance's best friend
was D's brother.
(sorry no pictures for then :-)

Moving on 7 yrs me and my fiance had split up.
I met up with D a few times over the years
but I let everything else get in the way.
Then when I was 29 I contacted him
via facebook.
Within the space of 3 weeks I realised
that I had fooled myself all along
and he was my soul mate.
Within 3 weeks I'd moved in, within 6 months we were talking about marriage.
One day when we were (or I was) talking about marriage
I asked if I asked him would he say yes.
To which he replied ask me and I'll let you know.
So as you guessed it I did.
My husband is very sarcastic and answered
"I have to think about it I'll let you know"
Then 4 days later I am half asleep in bed.
He comes in on his way out to golf and says
Me - "yes what?"
"I will"
me - "I will what?"
"I'll marry you"
and with that he disappears out the house to play golf.

Yes we are both very sarcastic :-)

Here are some pictures of us together.
We don't do anniversaries, valentines day
Hubby doesn't do romance
but I love him anyway :-)

Engagement Photo
 Wedding Day
 Birth of Little Red
 Family together
In London


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