Good morning everyone!
Hope your week is going well.
We might get snow again.
Last time they said we weren't getting snow it did.
Then they said we were and we didn't.
We'll just have to wait and see.
I hope it doesn't snow too much
as little Red is meant to be going to granny & grandads.
As you might of guessed Little Red is
off school for half term.
This has been quite an exciting week
for crocheting.
I've still been making my penguins.
Still not finished!
I've got another 9 bodies to go and then it's just a case of
putting all 35 together :-(
Now the exciting part is I decided to give
myself a few days break from the penguins.
I decided to try out the Craftsy Course:
the instructor is:
Linda Permann
I am loving this course!!!
You learn how to make a beautiful baby cardigan.
As you move along the course you
learn all of Linda's hints and tips
as well as the how to make the cardigan.
I've been crocheting for nearly 2 years
& I have learnt sooooo much!
I have already purchased Linda's
other course:
Here is my cardigan so far:
I've got to finish sewing it together
and then put the edging and buttons on.
I am loving making it!
I am also making a set
of baby overalls (dungarees) to match:
I haven't got as far on these
I am using a Cathyren pattern that I purchased.
Now to some even more exciting news!
There is a new site/shop just opened.
It isn't crochet but it's really exciting.
Please Pop over and take a look:
is run by my best friend Melissa
I am sure it's going to be a huge success!!!!
I am still reading my books.
I am up to about chapter 9 of sherlock holmes
on the audio book.
I'm really enjoying relaxing, listening and crocheting
at the same time :-)
And it's free
from Books Should Be Free
The books are even better than the series.
Now it's your turn to share what you are doing.
It doesn't have to be crochet, anything you are making
is perfect.
<img alt="Button" src="http://i39.photobucket.com/albums/e171/susand1408/WhatYouDoingWednesday.jpg" /></a><center>
I am also linking up with:

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