Good morning everyone!
Hope your week is going well.
Confession time:
I am useless at remembering to take pictures!!
We saved a sick Chaffinch (it didn't survive)
I saw Benji smelling something and
the next thing I saw a bird try and fly away but not succeed.
Then the fun began. I got Benji some treats
shut him in the house.
Got a box and filled it with kitchen roll.
Ran outside to get the bird.
He was sat on the grass and didn't try and fly away when I picked him up.
It was just before Little Red finished school.
I warned him from the start that he was going to die.
He named him Angry bird and stroked him.
It was nice for him to meet the bird.
We gave him food and water and at one point found him sat in the water.
He lasted the whole of the evening.
When we went to him in the morning he had died.
Little Red said goodbye to him.
I have always kept death open to him and I think it's worked.
He said he would miss him but he didn't get hugely upset
and he understood what had happened.
I didn't take any pictures!! - I know I'm going to have to do better!
My other confession is I let life get me down.
This past week has been a struggle.
I'm still struggling with this lung infection and I got fed up!
Normally I try to potter and keep the living room
& kitchen tidy and dusted etc.
Since I have got ill I haven't managed this.
It's been a real struggle.
I'm sat here and the living room is filthy!
I let it get to me and became introverted.
It didn't help that the crocheting I was doing wasn't what I wanted to be making.
I started designing myself a hat
so fingers crossed this is me on the way back.
I know it isn't any of the projects I am meant to be working on
but it's really cold and I fancied designing a hat :-)
I'll have the finished pictures on Friday.
I'm afriad I haven't been working on any of
my other projects as some others needed finishing.
The view from my front door this morning.
It's very cold!!!
Everything is frozen.
The snow is on it's way!!!
Friday it's meant to hit us.
Little Red is soooo excited.
Now it's your turn to share what you are doing.
It doesn't have to be crochet, anything you are making
is perfect.
<img alt="Button" src="http://i39.photobucket.com/albums/e171/susand1408/WhatYouDoingWednesday.jpg" /></a><center>
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