Welcome everyone to the 1st Thursday's Handmade Love 2013!
I hope you have all had a fantastic Christmas & New Year!
We all managed to come down with the lurgy
but it made for a fantastic family Christmas.
Instead of running round everywhere
we curled up at home and spent some time together :-)
This weeks theme is hats............
Now I'm not even going to be able to touch on the amount of fantastic hats out there
but I'll show you just a few fanastic ones that I've found.
Etsy Hats for sale:
Etsy Crochet Patterns:
Ravelry Crochet Patterns for sale:
Ravelry free crochet patterns:
As you can tell I love my hats!
Now I just need a hundred hands to make them all :-)
Now it's your turn.
Feel free to link anything handmade.
It doesn't have to follow the theme.
Please where you can add the button to your post.
We want the homemade love to spread.
<img alt="Button" src="http://i39.photobucket.com/albums/e171/susand1408/ThursdayHandmadeLove.jpg" /></a><center>
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