Good morning everyone!
Hope your week is going well.
Well I have a little secret.
We took Little Red to London
last weekend.
We went with my hubby, mum & dad.
As I wasn't able to do everything
they came so they could take him out whilst
I needed to rest.
It was fantastic and Little Red enjoyed himself so much!
Little Red got to see:
Natural History Museum
Tower of London
Thames boat bus
London Eye
Big Ben
Science Museum
He would of loved to have done more
but we were only there for just over 2 days.
We stayed at the Holiday Inn
and the stay was fantastic!
The staff were so friendly and helpful.
As you can imagine I'm behind on my making.
I was going to make things on the train
but I got train sick.
I was too tired when I was at the hotel so no more got done.
I'm still making Penguins and will probably
be doing for the next week.
I'll hopefully have some pictures for you next week.
Now it's your turn to share what you are doing.
It doesn't have to be crochet, anything you are making
is perfect.
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