Friday 30 December 2011

FO Friday 30/12/11

I can't believe it's nearly the end of 2011.  2011 has been such a big change for me.  There have been lots of ups and downs but I finally feel like I'm in a place where I'm happy with me.  My CFS has been difficult and since being diagnosed in 2009 my condition has worsened but since finding crochet my mental state with the disease has been a lot better.  I would recommend for anyone with CFS to learn a new craft.  You have to rest and when ever I did I used to feel like a waste of space.  Now I can crochet I feel like I'm achieving things whilst I'm resting.  It has made such a positive impact in my life and I couldn't live without it now.

Well enough of me waffling it's time to get down to Finish Off Friday!

First of all I finished off a pair of a pair of mittens:

But most importantly of all I have finally finished my elephant hat:

I designed it myself and I must admit it has to be one of my favorite hats that I have made.  The jury is out on whether or not it needs a mouth.  My father in law says it needs a bendy straw in his trunk so you can drink whilst wearing it?

I hope you like him :-)

This will probably be my last post of the year so I just want to wish you all a Happy New Year and I will look forward to posting for you in 2012 and reading all your fantastic blogs.  Thank you for making me feel welcome in the crafting world!

Don't forget to check out all the other fantastic FO's:


  1. the elephant hat is so adorable!

  2. Love that elephant so much!!!!

    Happy new year to you too

  3. The elephant hat is great! Happy New year!

  4. Just love the hat!
    I know how craftwork can save your sanity when you have a cronic condition. I have had brain tumours for many years that have sapt me strenght and stamina. Creating something is an outlet that cheers :0)
    I wish you and yours a Happy, healthier, and prosperous New Year!

  5. I love your elephant hat - he made me smile!!! Glad to hear you are doing well - crafting is an awesome thing to do to help keep you sane when things are crazy and out of hand. Happy and Healthy New Year to you!

  6. that hat is crazy. love it.
    My mum has ME, not much fun :(
    wishing you a healthier 2012.

  7. Love the hat, and I don't think the bendy straw is a requirement! Happy New Year!

  8. My jaw literally just dropped a little at the sight of that elephant hat, oh my gosh. Gorgeous design work, go you!! All the shaping on the trunk and ears looks amazing, and his facial expression and sweet little tuft of hair are perfect! (I don't think it needs a mouth, it's aces as-is.)

  9. Thank you all very much for your kind comments!
