Friday, 2 March 2012

Not a FO Friday

All best laid plans :-)

Well I had my sons assembly this morning and then was I was going to come home and do some finishing off.
Instead I got to bring home a sick son.

Oh well, we've enjoyed being curled up on the couch watching t.v.
I think it will be a long night because he has a lot of pain
in his stomach.

I don't mind, it isn't good for my CFS but it's good for my heart.
As a mum I don't feel right if I don't look after him when he's ill.

I have got some beautiful things I've won.
I'm going to take some pictures this weekend (hopefully) to show you.

I did finish a book this week:

Cage of Bones by Tania Carver

I enjoyed the book but I found it difficult to get into at first.
I would say if you are going to read it then bear with it.
I sometimes felt that some of the characters weren't acting right for what they were going through 
but as you got further into the book the characters got better as did the story.
Overall a good read.

As I haven't got anything finished this week I thought I'd show you one of the sets I've made:

I have made a matching set of
Hat, scarf (with mitten ends)
A bag
a bib
& a pantangle :-)
Why don't you go over and see some fantastic FO's 
& I'm also joining in some blog hops

Linky followeers hop

Google+ Weekend Hop


  1. I hope the little guy is okay. Glad you got to spend some quality time with his son.

  2. These are so cute!! Thanks for sharing. At least it is Friday. To me that has been a better day for my kids to get sick if they had to. That way no school the next day and lots of Rest.

  3. The panda set is adorable! I hope your son's feeling better! :)

  4. I love all of the panda projects gathered together. I hope that your son starts feeling better.

  5. Thank you for all your kind words. Little Red was really ill till about 4am this morning but is now bouncing about like there was nothing wrong. Mum just needs a sleep to catch up :-)

  6. Sorry to hear your son has been ill. Hopefully he's on the mend. The Panda set is super cute! I especially like the panda in the lower right corner...super squeezable.

  7. Adorable panda set. Boo to the sick son... hope he's feeling better quick. It always stinks when our kids are sick.

  8. Love the set...really adorable! Hope everyone is feeling better!

  9. Thank you ever so much everyone! Glad you like the panda set! Little Red is lots better. Looks like he had a kidney infection. After drinking lots and taking some medication to keep his temp down he seems a lot better.
