
About Me

Hi I'm Sue know as Crochet Addict UK

I am based in the North West of England & am a complete crochet addict.
I have a husband (D) and a 6 year old son (Little Red)
I suffer from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) & ME and all the symptoms that goes along with the disability. 
It was due to my disability that I started to crochet in Feb 2011. I suffer from pins and needles in my hands, arms, legs and feet. The pain in my hands was unbearable and I was struggling trying to pick things up. The doctors wanted to increase my medication so I decided to do a bit of research. I found information on the internet saying that knitting and crocheting can help. I don't get on well with knitting and it still stresses me out to this day. So I decided to give crocheting a go.
I tried following a book but it sounded like a 2nd language. I turned to the internet again and found Theresa on You Tube. The first thing I ever made was a bear for my son:
The crocheting worked and the pins and needles reduced greatly. This was the start of my journey. I tried making different things but they didn't click. Then my son saw a dinosaur hat and I decided to try and design one for him. As they say the rest is history. I was hooked :-)
I love designing new patterns, sharing my life, loves, spreading the handmade love & finding giveaways.
I hope you enjoy my blog and enjoy the journey we are going on together.

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