
Saturday 31 March 2012

Guest Blogger Week 10 22 Threads

Guest Blogger
Week 10
Hillery from 22 Threads

This week Hillery was meant to be guest posting.
Unfortunately Hillery isn't available and
I wanted to let you know why.

Hopefully she won't mind but I thought
I would copy over the post so you can join
in and help to raise funds for her family:

Support for My Sister and 50% Off Crochet Patterns

Hello everyone, I am writing to ask a favor of you all.  By no means do you have to, but I thought, "It wouldn't hurt to ask."

Post from Friday March 23, 2012

 I woke up this morning to find out that my Brother in Law has suffered a stroke.  He was in South Carolina on a job, and his family is up here in Northern Maine.  He is currently in the hospital struggling for his life, while my sister is getting ready for her plane trip down.  He has two teenage daughters that are just beside themselves and just don't know what to do or to think.  I am calling on you all to see if you could find it in your hearts to donate a dollar or two to help my sister with the costs of the trip. I have left a PayPal Donate button on my sidebar, if you would like to help.  I never, ever thought I would ever ask this of anyone, and I certainly understand that you don't know me, and that you all have your own troubles and worries in life, but I just want to do what I can for my Sister and her family.

If you would like to help out in another way, you could post this link on your blog, facebook or twitter about my pattern sale, to help me advertise.

Anyone who advertises my sale can contact me to find out how to get 75% off any one pattern in the shop as well.

Thanks so much.

I am having a 50% off all patterns sale in my 

Etsy Shop with all the proceeds going to my Sister, so if you'd like to help out that way, I would greatly appreciate it.  Please use Coupon Code  SUPPORT50

Here are the signs and symptoms of Stroke.  Doctors say that if you get emergency medical treatment within 3 hours of having symptoms, you can greatly increase your chances of recovery and lessen the chances of recurring strokes.  Don't ignore the symptoms.

·                     SUDDEN numbness or weakness of face, arm or leg - especially on one side of            the body.
·                     SUDDEN confusion, trouble speaking or understanding.
·                     SUDDEN trouble seeing in one or both eyes.
·                     SUDDEN trouble walking, dizziness, loss of balance or coordination.
·                     SUDDEN severe headache with no known cause.

Thank you all.  Hoping all your families are happy and healthy,


I hope you will find it in your hearts to help Hillery and her family.  Her patterns are fantastic and well worth purchasing.

Blog Tag

 I have been Blog Tagged by: Gen from Color me Domestic

1. You must post the rules.
2. Answer the 11 question that the tagger posted for you, and then create 11 questions to ask the people you've tagged.
3. Tag 11 people and link them in your post.
4. Let them know you have tagged them 

Here are Gen's questions with my answers:

1. What is a typical day like for you?
If it's a school day for Little Red I get up, have my tablets, wait 1/2 hour and then have breakfast. It's then time that Little Red gets up, get him ready and off to school and then it just depends how I'm feeling. If I'm good I'll read my emails and blogs I follow and then potter for the rest of the day and get some rest before picking up Little Red again.  Then it's tea time, hubby baths little red, I read him his story and do his homework with him. He is off to bed for about 7:30pm.  me and hubby watch a program together and I'm usually in bed between 8pm and 9pm.
2. What has been the hardest part of starting/having a blog for you?

The hardest part I find is trying to not write something that someone will take the wrong way.  With a blog I am conscious that not only are followers reading this other people are and something you might say or do could be used against you.
3. What's the last movie you saw in the theater?
I think it was one of the Harry Potter movies.  I don't go very often (as you can tell), I prefer to stay home and watch a dvd in peace and quiet.  I also like the fact that it isn't cold.
4. How do you drink your coffee?
I don't.  I don't drink tea or coffee.
5. How is the weather today where you live, and where DO you live (if you don't mind saying)?
COLD AGAIN!  we have had a lovely week this week and then all of a sudden yesterday the temperature dropped again.  Just in time for all the kids being off school.
6. What is your favorite punctuation, the one you abuse too much but can't stop? (parenthesis, semi-colon, 3 dots, exclamation, uppercase, whatever!)
Mine has to be !
7. Which is your favorite holiday and why?
My favorite holiday would have to be Christmas.  Not for the presents but for all the special little things we do as a family.  
8. Which is your favorite type of flower?
It has to be sweetpeas. I love the colours and the fantastic smell!
9. What is the trait which you admire the most in other people?
Being able to make people laugh.  I've always been a serious (sarcastic at times) person and don't know how to naturally make someone laugh.  I am in envy of people that can.
10. If you could change 1 thing about yourself, what would it be and why?
Although I wish sometimes I could make someone laugh I don't want to change me at all.  We are all the people we are for a reason and I love that everyone is different.
11. Why do you blog?
I blog to feel part of something and to share my enjoyment of things with other people. I have CFS so I can't go out in the evenings like other people. I crochet and craft but apart from my mum I don't know anyone else that does.  It's nice to share and to join in.

My tags:

  1. Melissa from Lazy Daisy Crochet
  2. Jenny from The NY Melrose Family
  3. MarieAng from Lokipan Crochet Designs
  4. Sarah from Crafts from the Cwtch
  5. Kristina from Freedom Lovers Academy
  6. Natalie from Misadventures in Craft
  7. Ann from Crochet Dyverse
  8. Evelyn from Project Stash
  9. PoetessWug from Wug's Backyard Blogspot
  10. Carla from Carla's Inspirations
  11. WonderWhyGal from Wisdom Begins In Wonder

Now for my questions:

  1. What is your favorite animal and why?
  2. What do you love to make above and beyond anything else?
  3. What's your biggest wish for the future?
  4. What would you say is the worst thing about you?
  5. What would you say is the best thing about you?
  6. What's the most treasured memory you have so far in your life?
  7. If you won the lottery what would be the first thing you would buy?
  8. What is your favorite type of flower?
  9. What's the most favorite thing you have in your wardrobe?
  10. What started you blogging?
  11. What's the best thing about blogging? 

Now if you don't want to do this and you were tagged don't worry.
If you want to do it but have not been tagged, then by all means go for it! 
I just want to get to know everyone better.

If you like books check out this review:

Eric J. Sobolik for his new book: Zombie Love the outbreak

Friday 30 March 2012

I've Made Friday Week 2 30th March 2012

Welcome to our 2nd week
of I've Made Friday


Well my brain has been working a bit better than it
has been lately.
Still not near 50% but better.

It's been a tough week this week.
I had to go for some nerve tests.
I was nervous and this isn't good for CFS
I have been up most nights with a lot of pain
and my nasal infection is back worse than ever.
Oh well now the tests are out the way
we can only get better (hopefully)

Anyway I've kept you in suspense long enough.
The first hat that I showed you a small part of is:

A Chick hat.
I designed this myself as a celebration of spring
It can be made with or without the flower.

The other hat is:

A Dragon Hat
It is slightly based on a game character.
Please if you guess which one do not say the full name
use *'s to complete the name.

The character is my sons favorite out of the game.
It isn't that cold today but he has still worn it to school.

I finished a book:

I can honestly say I struggled to finish this book!

I like a good murder but the details of these murders went too far for me.
If you like blood guts and gore then this book is for you.
The idea behind the story is good and the story itself isn't bad
but I found there were too many broken characters.
I know everyone takes baggage with them but the characters in this just had too much.
I normally love Lee Weeks books but this one just didn't do it for me.

Have you read this book?
What did you think?

I hope you liked my FOs this week!
Join in and look at some other FOs
don't forget to link to anything you've made this week:

I've Made Friday:


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Thursday 29 March 2012

Thursday Homemade Love Week 2

Good Morning everyone

This week is a good week.
I have my birthday
I got some beautiful things
including books and yarn!
I was really tired as people were visiting to wish me a happy birthday
but I did manage to design a hat.
This is the first hat I've designed since my big crash.
I'm really excited about being able to design again
even if it is taking me 3 days to do one hat instead of one afternoon.

As I designed a chick hat
and it's nearly easter
I thought I would do chicks as this weeks homemade love theme

Needle Felt Easter ChickChick Sugar Cookies- 2 dozenEmbroidery Hoop Art - 'Chirpy chick' in pink & white - 6" hoop
Baby yellow chick hat and diaper cover set photography photo prop newborn, 0-3, 3-6 monthsEaster chick baby gift set - fluffy hand knitted yellow bird booties, matching gift bag and polka dot gift cardEaster Chicks Banner PDF Printable
Tulle Chick Applique Ruffle TeeYellow Chick Wreath, Aqua Blue and Yellow Yarn and Felt, 10 inch sizeFor Mom Chick Hand built Trinket Dish
Pip the Chick Crochet PatternSweet Lil Easter Chick Purse CROCHET PATTERN
AMIGURUMI PATTERN Crochet pdf - Eggs in a BasketCrochet Pattern Crocheted Chick by Zoom Yummy CrochetEaster eggs & baby chicks Crochet Amigurumi Pattern PDF ebook - playful egg box TOY kids will love

All pictures are linked to the item on Etsy

Ravelry finds:



Now it's your turn to link up anything
It doesn't have to follow the theme
but please only link to homemade


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Wednesday 28 March 2012

What You Doing Wednesday Week 1

Good Morning!
Hope you are having a good Wednesday.

I have actually been designing something this week!
I have managed to finish one hat
(you'll have to wait for that one)
But here is a sneak peek:

Can you guess what it is yet?
I am in the middle of another one.
I'm going to tease you
& show you the parts of the
hat but not tell you what it is :-)
(please excuse the photos it's 4:30am in the morning)

Can you guess what it is yet?

Hopefully I'll get it finished by Friday ;-)
I haven't done anymore work on my blanket but I'm hoping to today.
I've got a hospital appointment
& I prefer taking something that's repetitive so hopefully I won't make any mistakes.

I've finished the Lee Weeks book so I'll be talking about that on Friday.
So I've started a new book. 
It's one of the ebooks I won.
The Magic Warble
by Victoria Simcox
So far I'm really enjoying this book.
It's a teen book but I think it's a bit like Harry Potter in the fact that any age would enjoy it.
I like how it's written and I'm enjoying the characters.
It isn't the normal type of book I would go for
but I'm really enjoying it.
It's a bit like an easy read lord of the rings.

Now I hope you'll link anything
you are making at the moment
& check out some other peoples WIPs etc.


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