
Sunday 31 July 2011

Horse hat

Today we are just recovering from Ryan's birthday party yesterday.  We had a great time and so did all the kids, Ryan got some wonderful presents but it was soooo tiring.
While I have been resting today I decided to finish a hat that I had in progress.  It's a horse hat.  Hope people like it!

Thursday 28 July 2011

Rabbit Hat & Bag, Cow newborn baby hat all finished

Been really busy.  Now all I've got to get finished is Ryan's dinosaur scarf and then it's onto making the matching bag for the cow and the matching hat for the dog bag.  Things are really feeling good!  Can't wait to make all the ideas I have in my head :-)

Wednesday 27 July 2011


It's been a bit hectic latley.  It was my son Ryan's 5th birthday so I had to make him his Elmo that he wanted.  The Elmo is all finished and Ryan had a great birthday!  We've still got a party to go yet but I'll worry about that nearer to the time.

I have a few projects on the go at the moment so I am hoping to finish them today.  I have a rabbit bag which just needs it's ears!  I had a go at a pattern yesterday but they weren't right for the bag.  I'll have another go today and hopefully I'll be posting pictures when it's complete.  I also have a matching scarf to my sons Dinosaur hat on the go.  the scarf is complete with a type of mitten end but I just need to make the claws so that it matches the hat.

Ryan has just woken up so I better finish and go and get him.  As soon as I've finished my latest projects I'll post an update with the pictures.

Hope you have a good day!

Saturday 23 July 2011

Elmo made

Sorry I've been a bit quiet lately. I've been trying to make my son an Elmo. Hope you n Ryan like him!

Saturday 16 July 2011

Babies Cat Hat

Just finished a baby cat hat

Dog bag

Just finished the dog bag. Really proud of it. Think my designs are really coming on.

Friday 15 July 2011

Dinosaur hat finished

Afternoon all,

Yesterday I was busy making a dinosaur hat for my son.  I made up the pattern myself and Ryan and Daddy choose the colours.  I think it looks really cool but the main thing is Ryan loves it.

I'm really happy with it and am selling them on my website

I'm offering to make them in any choice of colours and with or without the tail.  Ryan has decided that it needs more spikes so it looks like I'll be busy again tomorrow.  He has taken it to school with him today.

I'm just in the middle of trying a pattern for a slouchy beret for a member of my group on facebook.  The group is going really well.  We are at 1,482 members.  The members are from all over the world and speak many languages but thanks to goole translate I am making lots of new friends.  If you are interested you are more than welcome to join the group.  We are all crochet fans and help each other out.

Anyway I'm signing off as I want to do more of the hat and then I need to collect Ryan from school.

Wednesday 13 July 2011

Apple Coaster

Well I've finished the apple coaster to match the apple bookmark.

I used the free pattern at:

I hope they like them!

Apple Bookmark

Well it's nearly the end of my sons 1st year at school.  Can't believe how quick it has gone.  I decided not to buy a present for his teacher and teaching assistant I decided to make them something.  Below is a picture of the bookmarks I have made for them.  Just a coaster to make for each of them next.

I used the following free pattern:

Sunday 10 July 2011


Well today is a better day than yesterday.  I didn't blog yesterday as I was a bit down hearted!  I am in the middle of making an amigurimi for a friend who has a comic.  The body went great and I'm really please with it, especially as it's my first go at making one and I'm making up the pattern.  tried making the head yesterday and it all went wrong.  Ended up taking it apart and starting again.  I've managed to finish the last touches to my bag that was ordered and I've sent a message to my customer.
I've got soooo many ideas in my head at the moment that everytime I'm doing anything else I'm itching to make something.  I've collected loads of ideas and patterns off the internet and am going to spend the next 2-3 months making as much as possible.  I have decided to concentrate and animal themed things for babies and children.  I want to make hats, bags, pins, clips and cuddly toys that match.  I have set up my website and now it's just a question of making the items.  I'm going to try and get enought stock to go to a few craft fairs later on in the year.  probably October or November.  Anyway better get going as need to have tea and get my son to bed.  The future is ahead and I'm looking forward to it!

Friday 1 July 2011

Good morning everyone

Well I spent yesterday afternoon sorting out things for my business idea.  My website, with a shop, is set-up but I decided that I'm going to work towards doing a couple of craft fairs as well.  I've got some presents to make and an amigurumi for a friend but once that is complete it's action stations.  I also decided that I am going to try and make it as professional as possible so I have taken a design and used it on everything that I am buying and setting up and buying,!/pages/Susand1408-Crochet-Addict/190445144339795

I have also decided to concentrate on animals.  I'm going to start by making cute baby and child hats that are based on animals.  Then I'm going to look at making matching bookmarks and bags for little girls.

One day I will get my photos to appear the right way round.

Well I'm making a couple of kids bags today so I better get on with that.  Hope you are all having a good day.